Friday, December 4, 2009

Fine Art Template

To create this look I first opened a new, white document in Photoshop. To this document, I added an additional layer. Within the additional layer I created 5 equal size rectangles, equal distance apart and each one black. Then, I sized my images to the same size as my white document and drug it on top of the document. I then created a clipping mask which "framed" the parts of the image within my original, black rectangles. Lastly, I added text. I think these fine art templates are sweet. I like my one of the fly on the flower best of these two. . . Yup. :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Photolusion Blend

Phtolusion Blend

Doorway; f3.0; 1/45; 11/13/09; Rexburg, ID; 3:20pm; Samsung L830
Building; f7.7; 1/500; 11/13/09; Rexburg, ID; 3:15pm; Samsung L830

So, I took these two images and then had to significantly shrink down the doorway image. I measured the doorway already in the building shot and tried to make my doorway about the same size. I then layered the images on top of one another in Photo Shop and added a mask to the doorway. I then painted out the parts of the image outside the doorway in my picture and wa-la! A doorway to nowhere.

Photolusion Strait

PumpkinHead; f3.0; 1/30; 11/13/09; 3:30pm; Rexburg, ID; Samsung L830

So, to take this image I held a little pumpkin in front of the camera at a distance appropriate to cover up my subject's real face. I figured that drawing a face on the pumpkin would be a nice touch. This pumpkin man has very large facial features :) I had to crop the top a tiny but to get the finger that were holding the pumpkin out of the shot.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I brought the images I took into PhotoShop and then used the photo-merge tool to "stitch" them together. I really think this option is awesome! After the images were brought together in one, I then cropped the image so that the noticible overlaps were eliminated. Lastly, I slightly addjusted the levels to help bring out the color and contrast. I wish the sky would have gotten more colorful that evening. . .

f4.2; 1/90; Nov5; 5pm; Rexburg, ID; Samasung L830

f4.2; 1/125; Nov 5; 5pm; Rexburg, ID; Samasung L830

f 4.2; 1/125; Nov 5; 5pm; Rexburg, ID; Samasung L830

f4.2; 1/125; Nov 5; 5pm; Rexburg, ID; Samasung L830

I took each of these images using a tripod. There were a couple additional pictures I took but ended up not using because the horizon was getting lower and lower in each image. . . I guess I still need more practice taking panoramic photos and using a tripod :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

photo-journal editing

My template version

Original template provided in class

Templates are tricky, just because there is SO much going on. As you can tell by comparing the original to my version: I changed the background color, re-arranged the photos, and added a new text box for "2009." In order to insert my photos into the template I first had to play around with sizing my photos so that they would fit effectively into the frames. I then would drag my photo onto the template, above one of the frames. I could then create a clipping mask which placed my photo inside the frame.


Sun.Cookies; 3.0; 1/10; 1:ooam; my apartment; SamsungL830

Sat.ScareCrow; 7/7; 1/180; 2:30pm; BYU-I campus; Samsung L830

Fri.Jack-o-Lantern; 4.6; 6s; 10:oopm; my apartment; Samsung L830

Thurs.Tree; 3.0; 1/45; 6:30pm; nature park; Samsung L830

Wed.Earrings; 3.0; 1/10; 11:50pm; my apartment; Samsung L830

Tues.Tractor; 3.0; 2s; 7:15pm; straw maze in Archer, ID; Samsung L830

Mon.Kyle; 3.0; 1/45; 10:00pm; BYU-I campus; Samsung L830

These pictures were taken each day of the week beginning Monday October 26th and ending Sunday November 1st. My favorites are the more Halloween-y themed pictures (the tractor, jack-o-lantern & scare crow). I wish I'd have had the foresight to take a Halloween themed photo each day. Oh well. My overall favorite is the jack-o-lantern. In photoshop I adjusted the levels/contrast on the photos of kyle, the earrings, the scare crow & the cookies.