Saturday, November 14, 2009

Photolusion Blend

Phtolusion Blend

Doorway; f3.0; 1/45; 11/13/09; Rexburg, ID; 3:20pm; Samsung L830
Building; f7.7; 1/500; 11/13/09; Rexburg, ID; 3:15pm; Samsung L830

So, I took these two images and then had to significantly shrink down the doorway image. I measured the doorway already in the building shot and tried to make my doorway about the same size. I then layered the images on top of one another in Photo Shop and added a mask to the doorway. I then painted out the parts of the image outside the doorway in my picture and wa-la! A doorway to nowhere.


  1. Ha ha the pumpkin one is so funny! And the doorway-so creative!! It makes me ask myself, "Now why didn't I think of that!" Good job. I couldn't even tell that you were holding the pumpkin. It just looked like it was setting right on that person's shoulders. Keep up the awesome work.


  2. This is so fun! It is crazy to look at because the original image and door has a door right behind him as well...just a little confusing to make it more interesting! Neat concept!

  3. Ha ha! I've always heard that there was a secret door to Kerr! You better not let management see this. :) Anyway, this turned out great! Great job! I like especially how his foot is hanging out the door.

  4. I like your edit but I'm wondering if it is supposed to look like it is painted on the building or if it is supposed to look like he is walking out of the side of the building. But it is still good.

  5. Lol, this was a really original idea. Great job.
